Oklahoma Geographic Information Council


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Mission Statement

The State Geographic Information Systems Council (Council) was authorized by SB 722 in 1994 and consists of 19 member agencies and university representatives. The original mission of the Council was to assist the Conservation Commission in the preparation of a strategy for the development of a statewide GIS and the submission of that strategy to the legislative leadership. In 2007, the Council expanded on the initial goals set forth in the legislation, identifying eight primary issues in the development of the strategy:

  • Identify information and data needed for a statewide GIS System
  • Develop base map reference standardization
  • Procure ortho-digitized base map coverage for the State of Oklahoma
  • Identify agencies responsible for data gathering, maintenance, and dissemination
  • Develop a comprehensive data catalog and clearinghouse
  • Identify a continuing statewide GIS coordinating entity
  • Provide education and public access
  • Coordinate efforts with federal, regional, state, county, and local agencies in GIS development