Oklahoma Geographic Information Council


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Oklahoma Digital Data Online

Access to free online digital data is an important part of any GIS. The GI Council, along with the support of several state and local agencies, maintain two sources of Digital Data for Oklahoma.

   OK Office of Geographic Information: http://okmaps.org/ogi/search.aspx

   Center of Spatial Analysis: http://www.csa.ou.edu

Both sites offer access to free downloadable data as well as customized mapping applications. OKMAPS also allows users to add data using the web services, WFS and WMS. WFS is ideal for OKMaps users that wish to symbolize, query, and spatially analyze remote data rather than merely view the data. The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Feature Service Interface Standard (WFS) allows platform-independent querying and retrieval of georgraphic features across the Web.